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Amazon RDS Blue/Green Deployments

In order to avoid some errors I experienced when proceeding as described in the official documentation, I describe what I did in order. 1) Modify parameters of source_database * error: Blue Green Deployments requires cluster parameter group has binlog enabled. RDS Parameter groups: source-params-group binlog_format => MIXED mysql> show global variables like 'binlog_format'; 2) Insert a row after rebooting the source database, to avoid this error. * error: Correct the replication errors and then switch over. Read Replica Replication Error - IOError: 1236, reason: Got fatal error 1236 from master when reading data from binary log: 'Could not find first log file name in binary log index file' => To Fix: You need to change the data in the source database. INSERT INTO dummy_table ( `favorite_id` , `favorite_order` , `user_id` , `board_id` ) VALUES ('100001', '1', '11111', '11111'); 3) Modify the param...
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