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Showing posts from May, 2014

LEK stack for node.js

LEK stack for node.js  1) node access log file 1. node access log json formatting   (/Users/mac/git/fuji/config/express.js) app.use(expressWinston.logger({      transports: [        new winston.transports.DailyRotateFile({  json: true ,  filename: config.logs_dir + '/access-',  datePattern: 'yyyy-MM-dd.log' })      ]    })); 2) logstash 1. logstash download extract file to mac:/data1/logstash-1.4.0 2. make config file mac:/data1/logstash-1.4.0> vi logstash-node.conf input{    file{        codec => json        path => ["/Users/mac/git/fuji/logs/access*.log"]        start_position => "beginning"    } } output{    elasticsearch {        cluster => "locketCast"        node_name => "logstash"        host => ""        index => "updatelogs"