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Running out of Private IP in EKS


In particular, there are cases where the pending state persists despite not running out of
CPU or memory.

There is a case that it is due to lack of private ip.If the node group is shown as "Degraded"
in the EKS cluster configuration and you can see the following error in Health issues.

"Amazon Autoscaling was unable to launch instances because there are not enough free addresses
in the subnet associated with your AutoScaling group(s)."

And you can see that the number of "Available IP4 addresses" in the AWS VPC subnet used in the
node group is 0.

By designating the IP that the node group occupies, you can get some IPs back.

kubectl set env -n kube-system daemonset/aws-node MINIMUM_IP_TARGET=10 WARM_IP_TARGET=2
kubectl get daemonset -n kube-system aws-node -o json | jq -r '.spec.template.spec.containers[] |select ( .name == "aws-node" ).env'

You can see that the number of "Available IP4 addresses" in the AWS VPC subnet is increased.

Nevertheless, if IPs are not enough, consider two approaches.

1. Check the HA status and adjust appropriately to avoid the case where too many pods are
created due to the cpu and memory allocated to the application being too small.

kubectl get hpa -n test
test-nginx Deployment/test-nginx 10%/80%, 9%/80% 7 200 7 14d


apiVersion: autoscaling/v2beta2
kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
name: test-nginx
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: test-nginx
minReplicas: 7
maxReplicas: 200
- type: Resource
name: cpu
type: Utilization
averageUtilization: 80 =>
- type: Resource
name: memory
type: Utilization
averageUtilization: 80 =>


apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: test-nginx
app: test-nginx
replicas: 7
type: RollingUpdate
maxSurge: 50%
maxUnavailable: 50%
- name: nginx
imagePullPolicy: Always
memory: "200Mi" =>
cpu: "100m" =>
memory: "1Gi"
cpu: "500m"
team: test
environment: prod

2. If IPs are not enough even after tuning, add a node group to which another subnet is
assigned. (This below is a terraform snippet.)

test = {
desired_capacity = 5
max_capacity = 15
min_capacity = 4
subnets = [element(module.vpc.private_subnets, 0)]
disk_size = 30
k8s_labels = {
team = "test"
environment = "prod"

test2 = { =>
desired_capacity = 5
max_capacity = 15
min_capacity = 4
subnets = [element(module.vpc.private_subnets, 4)]
disk_size = 30
k8s_labels = {
team = "test"
environment = "prod"


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