Making angular webapp with yeoman and S3 ㅇ make s3 bucket 1. make: All Buckets / 2. hosting Static Website Hosting 3. permissions Grantee: everyone, view permission ㅇ add Hosted zone into route53 1. add Hosted zone into route53 2. create record set A type alias: true alias target: s3 website endpoint ㅇ create with yeoman yo angular ㅇ run app grunt server ㅇ build grunt & upload grunt build cd dist dist> s3cmd put --recursive . s3:// cf) s3cmd del --force --recursive s3:// ㅇ add css with yeoman grunt / <!-- build:css(.) styles/style.css --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/style.css"> / cssmin: { dist: { files: { ...